Achieve the Impossible

I’m a quitter and a failure. At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself for the last year or so. It came to me over a lovely paleo meal. We were onto the second course, a delicious ox heart carpaccio and a good way into a bottle of Chardonnay when...

Convict Conditioning 2 Review

Paul “Coach” Wade is back with a second instalment of his impressive body weight calisthenics routine, Convict Conditioning 2 – from the depths of San Quentin prison I’ve previously reviewed the original Convict Conditioning and I’m still working my way slowly through the progressions to the Big Six strength moves....

Convict Conditioning

I’ve long held the fantasy that the only thing between me and a perfectly honed physique was a long stint in solitary confinement. I was obviously inspired by prison movies in my youth and still have images in my head of physical transformations behind bars. I’ve been tempted to buy...