Here’s a selection of spreadsheets and other fitness resources that I’ve shared on the blog at one time of another:
Fitness resources – Powerlifting Spreadsheets & Tools
Grip Strength Monitoring Template
Arm yourself with a grip dynamometer and some grip training tools and start recording your progress. Includes age and sex related performance metrics and the Captains of Crush accreditation levels.
Post link: Grip Strength Monitoring Spreadsheet
Wendler’s 5/3/1 Strength and Powerlifting Schedules
This spreadsheet includes two 12-week schedules for the original 5/3/1 program and the powerlifting peaking schedule form Beyond 5/3/1.
Post link: Wendler 5/3/1 Powerlifting and Strength Schedules
Inverse Juggernaut Method Spreadsheet
This post explains how the Juggernaut method works for strength training using both RPE targets and auto-regulation methods. I share my spreadsheet template for the Inverse Juggernaut method which flips the standard reps and set targets.
Post link: Inverse Juggernaut Method Spreadsheet
DIY Indian Clubs
How to make some pretty useful Indian Clubs from old tonic water bottles.
Post link: DIY Indian Tonic Clubs
DIY Mace Swinging
How to practice the ancient art of gada (or mace) swinging for less than a tenner.
The idea of a mace is that it provides a ridiculous offset in weight distribution which accentuates the work required by wrist and forearms and the circular nature of the swinging is great for shoulder mobility.
It may look a bit rough and ready but it still works the arms and shoulders like it’s pricey steel counterparts.
Post link: DIY Mace or Gada
DIY Weightlifting Platform
This post demonstrates how you can build your own portable weightlifting platform from ply and stable matting. Theses are required for olympic lift practice and deadlifts. Dropping plates without a platform ruins lives! Without this DIY miracle the patio would be crazy paved and a divorce would be imminent.
Post link: DIY Portable Weightlifting Platform
Fitness Resources – Diet Spreadsheets
Macro Meal Planner Spreadsheet
This post shares a spreadsheet tool that I created to help me stick to my daily macro targets. I needed was a forward planning device – a macro meal planner that would enable me to juggle my repertoire of meals and snacks to create a semi-balanced and desirable macro plan.
The spreadsheet includes an example model and some blank templates so you can amend it to suit your own specific IIFYM targets.
Post link: Macro Meal Planner Spreadsheet
IIFYM and Renaissance Diet Calculator
This post explains how the IIFYM and Renaissance Diet calculator works. It’s a great tool for determining your macronutrient targets based on your body goals. It can also be used to split your daily targets down to meal targets – hardcore.
Post link: IIFYM and Renaissance Diet calculator
Fitness Resources – Running Spreadsheets & Tips
FIRST Training Plans
Based on the book Run Less, Run Faster which clearly sounds too good to be true.
This spreadsheet tool allows you to draw up your own marathon and half marathon training plans based on the principles in the book and the FIRST training methodology. I have expanded the training paces to enable the slower runner (like me) to be able to stay the course.
Post link: FIRST Personalised Training Plan
Blister Avoidance
This post includes a video explaining how I tape my feet for long distance events in order to avoid blisters. It’s proved to be an excellent way to keep the feet healthy and pain free.
Post link: How to Tape Your Feet for Blister Prevention
How to Make a Cool Impossible Slant Board
This has proved to be one of my most popular blog posts. It was inspired by Eric Orton’s book The Cool Impossible and shows you how to make a slant board that you can use to follow the strength building exercises in the book.
Post link: How to make a Cool Impossible Slant Board
Fitness resources – Planning Spreadsheets
Achieve the Impossible Dashboard
This tool is based on the book Achieve the Impossible by Greg Whyte. The book is designed to help you plan and achieve amazing physical challenges and this dashboard uses the same principles to monitor your progress.
Post link: Achieve the Impossible Dashboard