Experiment - Warrior Arts - The Mace

    I’m a big fan of projects, if I haven’t got focus and novelty in my life I tend to drift off course. From today, taking inspiration from Raptitude and his series of experiments in life, I am going to start documenting these experiments more formally here in the blog. As...

    Wendler 5/3/1 Strength and Powerlifting Template

    I am now making available the spreadsheet I use to calculate and track my weight training program which is based on the classic Jim Wendler 5/3/1. It’s a relatively simple program with increments determined by your historical performance rather than a blind drive to add plates. I’m a big fan...

    DIY Indian Clubs

    Just days before the lockdown started, I developed a shoulder twinge and then a jolly sharp pain when I performed shoulder height movements. I self-diagnosed a rotator cuff niggle and decided that a more holistic shoulder routine was called for. Something more holistic than back to back bench presses, day...

    Does a comfortable Peloton bike saddle exist?

    One of the few things that disappoints me about the marvellous Peloton indoor bike, is the saddle. Why, when spending £3k on a designer machine, isn’t there a comfortable saddle option for women? The provided saddle is a fairly standard offering but causes me so much distraction during a ride...

    Peloton Accessories - heart rate monitor

    The peloton – of indoor cycle studio fame – has entered the household. I’ve had it a few months now and while I totally love the bike and the instructor led sessions, some of the accessories are in need of an upgrade. I was lucky to get my order in...

    What Lies Beneath - DEXA Scan

    Last time I posted a blog I was trying to recover from months of injury and the resultant slothfulness that had taken over. It proved to be a slow process but by late spring I was able to exercise again without inordinate fear of disablement. With that new freedom I...

    To Measure or Not to Measure

    We went on our customary Boxing Day Walk and in preparation I raided the bottom of the drawer for my hiking paraphernalia. We were only planning to walk from the car park to the National Trust cafe but you can never be too over dressed for such an occasion. You...

    Macro Meal Planner Spreadsheet

    I’ve been tracking my macros consistently for the last 5 weeks or so and it is still a stressful experience. Admittedly it falls under the category of “first world problems” but still a stress that’s worth eradicating if I can. I’ve got myself into a reasonably consistent habit for breakfast...

    Viome Gut Testing - Is it any Good?

    Viome is a gut sequencing subscription service based on a small sample of poo that you ship for testing. Viome then offer dietary recommendations based on your results that are designed to increase your diversity and improve your health. One of the key differences between Viome and other gut testing...

    Inverse Juggernaut Spreadsheet Template

    While my assorted injuries have played havoc with my powerlifting performance, they have freed up time to research different training programs and to design spreadsheet templates to accompany them. The powerlifting program spreadsheet I’m sharing here is the Inverse Juggernaut method template. Inverse Juggernaut Blank Template (excel version) Inverse Juggernaut...