A collection of 7 posts
Stop Breathing to Run Faster

At 50m the air a scuba diver breathes, starts to slowly and painfully poison them. A single but very long breath can enable a freediver to sink a whopping 200 toxic metres. While freediving has its attractions, my extraordinarily buoyant body precludes me from this activity. This hasn’t stopped me...
Experiment - Operation Healthspan

My third experiment aligns with the start of the New year. A new year full of hope for global health and well being. This last year was truly an odd one. Where the world did its best to tackle the covid-19 pandemic, I managed to adopt a few healthy habits...
What Lies Beneath - DEXA Scan

Last time I posted a blog I was trying to recover from months of injury and the resultant slothfulness that had taken over. It proved to be a slow process but by late spring I was able to exercise again without inordinate fear of disablement. With that new freedom I...
Viome Gut Testing - Is it any Good?

Viome is a gut sequencing subscription service based on a small sample of poo that you ship for testing. Viome then offer dietary recommendations based on your results that are designed to increase your diversity and improve your health. One of the key differences between Viome and other gut testing...
Thriva Home blood testing and Hashimotos

Back in 2014 I posted about my newly discovered autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I’d acquired the diagnosis rather opportunistically while I was taking up an offer of a performance blood scan and I responded with suitable outrage and a desire to make lifestyle changes that might put my body back...
Following the Ice Man - 10 Weeks with Wim Hof

I’ve been aware of Wim Hof, the crazy Ice Man, for a few years now but have become increasingly interested in his methods since I adopted my own fascination with the cold. So far, my highlight of the year has been hacking our thermostatic shower so that it ceased to...
Revealing AutoImmunity

I love collecting data, in fact if running didn’t lend itself so well to data collection and analysis I may well have made a different choice back in 2005 and taken up watching baseball instead. I’ve jumped onto every method of self quantification since taking up the sport – gps,...