Entering the Box

    I’ve been a wannabe crossfitter since 2012 when I read Inside the Box by TJ Murphy. I’m embarrassed to say that nerves and convenience have delayed my initiation until this week, almost 4 years later. This week though, I entered the Box. I’ve been to crossfit 3 times now and...

    Building a Canoe from Scratch

    Last week we built our own Canadian canoe. How cool is that? We went on a 4 day course in the lake district run by Orca Adventures and came away with an astoundingly good-looking vessel that we were able to drop onto the water the very next day. It was...

    Gasping at parkrun

    I stopped breathing at parkrun last weekend. Nothing too dramatic, and no paramedics were called but I did go red and gasp a bit. It was an entirely orchestrated warm up technique that follows my latest obsession with breath holding or apnea training for running performance. This particular warmup consisted...

    DIY Portable Olympic Weightlifting Platform

    Olympic weightlifting platforms are typically 8′ x 8′ so pretty huge and phenomenally expensive for what amounts to a few bits of plywood and some rubber. In my mind that’s a clear invitation for a DIY project. I am not blessed with a great deal of DIY proficiency but that...

    Achieve the Impossible Fitness Tracking Dashboard

    Back in July I was inspired by Greg Whyte’s book, Achieve the Impossible, to knuckle down and finally nail the 100km challenge that appeared to have morphed into my very own personal Impossible. Using the tips outlined in the book I identified the key measures of success and drew up...

    Achieve the Impossible

    I’m a quitter and a failure. At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself for the last year or so. It came to me over a lovely paleo meal. We were onto the second course, a delicious ox heart carpaccio and a good way into a bottle of Chardonnay when...

    StrongWoman Training

    Saturday had been set aside for Strongwoman training. An afternoon of channeling my inner Geoff Capes, alongside a group of similarly minded women. I eased myself into the day with a relaxing bath but as I heaved myself out of said bath, I tweaked my shoulder and ended back beneath...

    Winter Wolf and other Dirty Weekends

    I seem to be lurching from one dirty weekend to another but who’s complaining? Last weekend we were at Winter Wolf for our first attempt at the Leicestershire course. It has such fabulous quality mud that this is now my favourite adventure course. The black soggy clay grabbed me firmly...

    Revealing AutoImmunity

    I love collecting data, in fact if running didn’t lend itself so well to data collection and analysis I may well have made a different choice back in 2005 and taken up watching baseball instead. I’ve jumped onto every method of self quantification since taking up the sport – gps,...